Network Goals
Help members and their clients share information about local and global financial litigation practice and legal developments.
Enhance the members’ capabilities to better serve the needs of clients in financial litigation.
Promote collaboration in international financial matters among lawyers and court systems to facilitate cost-effective resolution of disputes.
Help avoid duplicative and inconsistent adjudication of the same matters in different jurisdictions, thus increasing the likelihood of resolving financial disputes in a way that all market participants will find to be substantively and procedurally fair.
Develop best practices and sharing of ideas among inside and outside counsel and judges across jurisdictions to make the global litigation experience more transparent and more comprehensible -- thereby reducing risk, promoting trust and encouraging safer investments.
International Financial Litigation Network
Jorge Juan 30, 6 Floor.
Madrid, Sp, 28001, Spain
Tel: (+34) 91 426 40 50
Fax: (+34) 91 426 40 52